Tangy Tibuguana
Seed Type: F2 Feminized Autoflower
Genetics: Amnesia Haze Auto x (Durban Sunrise x Zweet Auto)
Heritage: The original seed mother, Durban Sunrise bred by Twenty20 Mendocino, had dense bud structure, deep purple color, a generous coating of resin and a juicy orange zest terpene profile. The initial reversal was selected from a pack of Zweet bred by Ethos, a cross of Zweet Inzanity x Durban Auto. The winning selection was extremely vigorous and fully loaded with large resinous buds and a sharp nose of citrusy baked goods. We sprouted 24 seeds of the cross and narrowed the selection to a single frosty beast with a beautiful tropical citrus terpene profile to reverse for feminized pollen. This pollen was dusted over a monsterous narrow leafed specimen of Amnesia Haze Auto bred by Royal Queen Seeds. The Amnesia brought a heavy kick of citrus, XL size, crazy head high and a nice slick of resin over the resulting offspring. The F2 selections were chosen based on their vigor, citrusy terpenes and overall resin production.
Aromas/Flavors: Citrusy and fruity. Sweet pineapple. Pound cake coated in lemon icing. Funky fruit.
Broad-Narrow Leaf Spectrum: Narrow leaf dominant
Average Grow Time: 70-95 days from sprout to harvest.
THC/CBD: High/Low
Effects: Energizing, uplifting and euphoric. Anti-depressant. Hazy head high with larger doses. Recommended for day-time use.
The Alebrije: The Tangy Tibuguana is the hyrbid mutation of a shark and iguana. It’s an extra-large, care-free and active creature that enjoys sunbathing and swimming the waters off the Durban coast. The beast has a voracious appetite and often roams onto shore to snack on fallen citrus and fermenting tropical fruits. The Tibuguana is happiest out and about on a sunny day adventure. Artwork by @wero77
Tangy Tibuguana Grow-Along Rules & Prizes 2022/2023
Buy a pack of Tangy Tibuguana seeds on September 16 @ 4:20pm EST on www.alebrijegenetics.com
On Instagram you must follow @alebrije.genetics , @cultivation.conversation , @trichome.god.2 , @autopot_usa , @natureslivingsoil , @reverend_pirate_frog and @johnny_apple_
Between the time you receive your pack and October 15th 2022, you must email a photo of your germinated seed or sprouted seedling + the pack itself in the photo (with the pack # visible) to alebrijegenetics@gmail.com with the subject “TT grow entry” to officially enter the Grow-Along. Please state in the email your instagram name and which of the 3 categories you are entering (1.coco/hydro, 2. soil or 3. Autopots).
At least once per week you must post (not story) an update of your tangy tibuguana plant/flower and tag @alebrije.genetics and use both hash-tag’s #TTgrowalong and #tangytibuguana and state your pack # somewhere in the post.
You may enter more than one category but you must submit your weekly photo post for each entry. You may only win a prize for one category. No one can win more than one prize.
No later February 1, 2023 (109 days after the start of competition) you must email thereverendpiratefrog@gmail.com your official contest entry photo along . The Reverend Pirate frog will compile the photos into a single blind email without grower/pack# information and send it to Alebrije Genetics to judge blind. (*Tangy tibuguana grown in 3-5 gal pots average 70-90 days from sprout to harvest.)
On February 10th Alebrije Genetics will announce a winning photo (on Instagram) for each of the 3 categories and 1 Grand Prize winner for best photo. That’s a total of 4 Grow Prize winners: 1 grand prize winner and 3 category winners. There will also be 3 Participation Prize winners that will be selected using a random generator.
Prizes will be mailed the following week after announced.
Tangy Tibuguana Grow Along Prizes:
Grand Prize: ARK Crystal Package (Pendant, Crystal and Water bottle); 2 Pot XL system with all the bells and whistles from Autopot USA; congratulatory shout out on Cultivation Conversation; Pack of Balanced Gatuga by Alebrije Genetics; 3 x Alebrije genetics unreleased tester packs; 5lbs of Nature’s Living Soil Autoflower Concentrate
Best Soil Grow: 3 x Alebrije genetics unreleased tester packs; honorable mention on Cultivation Conversation; 1# Nature’s Living Soil Autoflower Concentrate, First Ever Apple And Frog Cup Winner "Frapple"**
Best Coco/hydro Grow: 3 x Alebrije genetics unreleased tester packs; honorable mention on Cultivation Conversation; 1# Nature’s Living Soil Autoflower Concentrate
Best Autopot Grow: 3 x Alebrije genetics unreleased tester packs; honorable mention on Cultivation Conversation; 1# Nature’s Living Soil Autoflower Concentrate
*any winner that used Nature’s Living Soil products in the grow-along will receive double the Autoflower concentrate prize + a pack of their Girl Flower Power mix.
Participation Prizes (everyone who completes the grow-off and enters a photo is eligible…no one can win more than one prize):
Random Selection #1: New Earth Box Mini Soil grow kit complete Build.A.Soil package - (Thanks Appleseed for hooking this up!)
Random Selection #2: 2x Alebrije Genetics unreleased tester packs, K&OJ Pack from the amazing Joint Custody
Random Selection #3: 2x Alebrije Genetics unreleased tester packs, Supreme Leader F2 again the fucking man Joint Custody
**The Apple and Frog Cup or Frapple is meaningless and pointless but you will have the bragging rights of 1st Frapple winner, and a spot in Frapple immortality